Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES5 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom WINRECTSTRUCT origX origY _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo Terminator MPEG SetupA$ Main WindowA MPEG hardware cannot be found. Do you want to continue the installation? SYSTEM.INIa SYSTEM.CP3 WIN.INIa WIN.CP3 detect.exe Cannot run DETECT.EXE. Exit!A detect.exe Cannot run DETECT.EXE. Exit!A SYSTEM.INI& Herculesa MPEGHardwareR DIGITALV.MCIR DIGITALV.MCIa DIGITALV.XXX MPLAYER.INI Installing Windows 3.1 drivers... win31dir.ze WINSTART.BAT! WINSTART.BAT file could not be opened.A CDALLOC.EXE CDALLOC.TMP WINSTART.BAT WINZZZZZ.BAT @echo off$ copy b! > NUL del b! echo del b% Installing Windows 95 drivers... win95dir.z% WININIT.INI CDALLOC.EXE CDALLOC2.EXE CDALLOC2.TMP renamea NULb renameb! win31sys.z, win95sys.z .mpga mplayer .vida mplayer .data mplayer SYSTEM.INI WIN.INI CdiVideoa MCIMPEG.DRV% mcia MpegVideoa MCIMPEG.DRV% mcia reelmagica MCIMPEG.DRV% magica MCIMPEG.DRV( 386Enha devicea vcpxd.386a vcpxd.386, driversa cdalloc.exe cdalloc2.exe Windowsa loadR cdalloc2.exe( Windowsa loadR cdalloc.exe( Windowsa loadb cdalloc.exe( Windowsa loadR cdalloc2.exe( Windowsa loadb Extensionsa mplayer.exe /play ^.mpg% Extensionsa mplayer.exe /play ^.vid% Extensionsa mplayer.exe /play ^.dat% mci extensionsa mpga MpegVideo% mci extensionsa vida MpegVideo% mci extensionsa data MpegVideo ENUM\root\S3C0101\s3capdevP HardwareIDA S3C0101A DeviceDescA S3 Video Capture DriverA S3CAPDEV.INFa S3CAPDEV.INF S3CAPDEV.INF GetModuleHandle/ ShowWindow! 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Please insert the disk labeled Disk 1A Unable to copy files due to an internal error.A Unable to copy files to destination due to insufficient disk space. ERROR=FS_OUTOFSPACE. An error occured while copying and decompressing files.A CP3App Setup could not be completed due to errors. Please clear up the causes of the errors and try again.A \TMRMPEG.DLL Internal error. Unable to create custom dialog. Exiting installation program.A Are you sure you want to quit the Setup program?A Reboot failed.A Restart your computer later.A DLG_QUIT4DCIA, DLG_QUIT4DCI! Due to a system error, Setup cannot display a dialog box.A DLG_QUIT4DCI DLG_QUIT4DCI \SYSTEM.INI \WIN.INI \CONTROL.INI avicap.dllR avifile.dllR compobj.dllR driversa VIDC.CVIDR driversa VIDC.MSVCR driversa VIDC.IV31R driversa VIDC.IV32R mci extensionsa drivers.desca msacm.drvR drivers.desca msadpcm.acmR Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find file AVICAP.DLL.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... 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